The State Dinner: Gifts for Sasha and Malia

Posted: Mar 16 2016

The State Dinner



Last Thursday we had the honour of finding out that our collection had just been selected as part of a monumental event being held at the White House. 
As part of the State Visit, the first between Canada and the United States in 19 years,  Sophie Gregoire Trudeau and Justin Trudeau made sure to represent Canadian designers during each part of the day. 
Upon arrival at the White House, the Trudeau's presented the Obama's with gifts on behalf of Canada. For Sasha and Malia Obama, we were so honoured to have our Maverick Shawls gifted to the young ladies. 
The gifting happened just prior to a Let Girls Learn event, an organization in support of young female education worldwide, and a cause Michelle Obama is active in supporting. As a subject matter we're very passionate about, this could not have been more meaningful. 
To us, a Maverick is 'a person who shows independence of thought and action' and our line is designed for strong, empowered females. We hope both Sasha and Malia love them! 
Thank you to Sophie Gregoire Trudeau and Justin Trudeau for your support of Canadian designers and for including our line as a small part in this event.  
And thank you to Sophie Gregoire Trudeau and Michelle Obama for supporting female education, entrepreneurship, and empowerment through the conversations you're having, relationships you're building, and example you're setting.  



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    climate change Could Be Worsening Effects of El Ni

    Stephen Leahy Tierramrica

    UXBRIDGE, north america, jan 11 2011 (insolvency practitioners) The strongest La Nia weather system in 50 years has taken historic flooding to Australia and drought to Argentina, brazilian and Uruguay, traveling up food prices.

    Scientists now believe climate change is likely enhancing the impacts of the famous El Nio Southern Oscillation (ENSO), A cyclical climate phenomenon that affects weather patterns everywhere.

    La Nia and El Nio become, Respectively, The cold and warm stages of the ENSO cycle, And form part of the system that [url=]hot spanish women[/url] regulates heat in the eastern tropical pacific ocean.

    Both accompany synchronised changes in surface ocean temperature and air pressure.

    In conditions based on climatologists as high air pressure predominates in the eastern Pacific, While low pressure predominates under western culture.

    the real difference in pressure generates the trade winds, Which blow east to west over the top tropical Pacific, pressuring the warm waters westward. The a greater depth, Cooler waters then appearance in the east, replacing the warm waters.

    During installments of La Nia, right after in pressure are more marked, The trade winds blow more really do, And the cold water currents in the eastern Pacific heighten.

    you will find, all through El Nio, High surface air pressure in the western Pacific and lower pressure on the coasts of the Americas cause the trade winds to weaken or change focus, Resulting in warmer water environments in the eastern Pacific. State of colorado, explained Tierramrica.

    A predominant yearlong El Nio ended last May and within two months switched over to La Nia by July, asserted Trenberth.

    current La Nia has not only ended Australia 10 year drought, But also flooded much more than 850,000 square km’s, An area same in principle in size to France and Germany combined. It also has resulted in flooding in northern south america and brought drought conditions to the middle and southern parts of the continent.

    so, garden production has been impacted. Global food prices reached a record high in december, The not Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) reported on Jan. 5.

    Have been modifications in the El Nio La Nia cycle since the 1970s. It a complex cycle but the synonymous droughts, Flooding and other manifestations have been stronger during 30 to 40 years, Trenberth informed Tierramrica.

    Since global warming has fundamentally altered the global climate system, Trapping more heat and about four percent more water vapour in the climate, It is reasonable in conclusion it has affected the ENSO cycle.

    Would be surprising if there wasn an effect, Trenberth considered that.

    It was Peruvian fishers who named El Nio following the Christ child ( necessitates child or boy, In spanish tongue), Since the effects of the warming of the surface waters of the eastern pacific ocean such as bringing rain to the dry Peruvian deserts show up around Christmas.

    higher than months, And often years, The heat in the actual top layer of the Pacific dissipates and the deeper colder water gets to the symptoms, Aided by alterations in the trade winds. This results either in a return to neutral conditions or seen La Nia ( In how to speak spanish), The giver to cope with cold, Nutrient rich water what a boon to marine life, Supporting a larger fish population and helping the fish catch.

    fishers might expect a good year ahead, As a strong La Nia is now dominating the pacific ocean. National Aeronautics and Space liquidation).

    ENSO is known for a three to seven year cycle, With a four year average to change from El Nio to La Nia, But this varies a lot both in terms of periodicity and strength, simplified Trenberth.

    Each cycle is different and erratic and currently beyond the capabilities of computer climate models to emulate, he explained.

    While flooding and droughts are incredibly measurably worse, There is no clear evidence that climate change has affected the ENSO cycle itself, as an example, By shortening it as in this cycle, considered that Trenberth.

    Emissions from energy sources act like an extra blanket in the atmosphere, Trapping additional sun’s heat.

    Nearly all the extra heat has gone into the oceans. as being the 1970s, The world oceans are having measurably warmer and that is also likely to affect ENSO, distinguished Julia Cole, A climate scientist at the Institute of environmental surroundings at the University of Arizona.

    over time, ENSO has had a large range of variability and the drivers of the cycle are not fully understood, Making it a lot of work to determine how climate change is affecting it or to predict future changes in the cycle, Cole told Tierramrica in an email appointment.

    but, biggest banking research seems [url=]date in spanish[/url] to show we may even see new of ENSO emerge as we move into the future, She expressed.

    Australia La Nia flooding is unmatched. At least 10 people have died, With damage and losses estimated in the huge amounts of dollars.

    Much of the flooding is incorporated in the northeastern state of Queensland, Whose rivers flow to Coral Sea, And is envisioned having a major impact on the nearby Great Barrier Reef.

  • Posted by BuffordBefeMence on September 02, 2020

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